Pirate Story

7:18 AM

When I was younger both my parents got kidnapped by the enemy. My parents hid me in a barrel of water just before they got attacked. After the enemy ship left I came out of the barrel to find only a few shipmates left. Most who don’t know what they are doing. I helped do some things but I got tired and went to bed. Next thing I knew we crashed and the ship started sinking! I ran up to see what I should do to help. But four out of the other five pirates left us and took all our escape boats. It was just me and Anna. We didn’t know what to do. Then I remembered the emergency raft we hid in the basement. I told Anna were it was and she said “you stay here I can get it.”I listened to her but that was a huge mistake, she took the raft and left me. I was all alone except for my parrot. I decided to take apart the boat and build my own raft. I finished just as the water started getting rough. Since I was still young I took a nap with my parrot who stood guard of our “ship”. When I woke up we were on a island. There was nothing in site but water. I decided to walk around the island and find something to eat.

    While I was walking I found a papaya that I could reach. I was about to grab it when a big strong man grabbed my wrist. “what brings you to my island. Are you here to steal my treasure?” He said pulling out his sword.
 “No. I didn’t even know you had treasure. I don’t even know who you are. And why do you have your sword out? ”
“ I am Captain  Troy and this is my monkey .And I took out my sword out because if you are not here for my treasure we can cut up the papaya.”
 Ok sounds  good.”

We walked in a cave eating the papaya .All of a sudden something jumped out and with a sword and yelled I’m here for your treasure ! Without even thinking I drew my sword and attacked him. That was the end of that. Troy was in shock that a five year old girl could do that.
Later as we got deeper into the cave he asked me if I had any parents. I told him the story and he asked if I wanted to join his ship. Of course I told him yes. He said his ship was coming in two days to pick him up and the treasure.
 We camped in the cave until the ship the came to pick us up. To this day I am still part of Troy’s  pirate crew.

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