Adventure easy

7:21 AM

Pirate 101 and Treasure Island both have the element of risk. In Treasure Island when Jim’s mother took the money from the treasure chest and ran. Also if you ever get the black spot you should run for your life. Pirate 101 risks are like getting in a fight with someone not knowing if you will die. Also if you took a quest to help someone you have no clue what you are getting into.

The action in Treasure Island would be going to look for the Treasure Map. Another action would be when the blind man and his men tore apart the Inn. Pirate 101 action would be having a battle with sharks. Another action would be going to look for treasure. 

The danger in Treasure Island would be getting caught by the pirates you are trying to run from. If the captain got to drunk you might be in danger. Pirate 101 dangers are all around you in skull cave if you did not stay against the wall you would get in a fight every five seconds. Also if you were walking around outside of skull cave you would get in fights with frogs everywhere you walked.  

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