My character name is Fearless
Alyssa Brave on pirate 101 and she is a girl. I made her look like me with beautiful
long blonde luscious hair and lovely blue eyes like the ocean. She looks
fearless, strong, and brave and she has a pretty awesome sword what she is very
good with in battles. Her outfit is all black and gray so she can move through
the night like a ninja. I am inspired by my character because if I was a pirate
I would want to be like her.
The game pirate 101 is a very fun
and interesting game. You get to fight in battles and make friends but don’t
add friends only if someone is ok with it. I think when I play more of the game
it will be good for learning and having fun at the same time. I’m very excited
for pirate 101 because I will get to battle and dress up my character.